Mentoring with Anie Rouleau x Catherine Meunier
It was by happy coincidence that I met Anie in 2013 and from this meeting our discussions on entrepreneurship began. At that time, Anie had just launched her company Baleco and, despite everything, she kindly agreed to give me a hand in creating my own company .
His first gesture was to give me the necessary kick to encourage me to resign from the job I held and thus take the plunge to launch Idoine. The entrepreneurial spirit is not always something innate. For my part, I can't say that it was my first career choice, but time and my personality ended up directing me in this direction. I would even say that it was inevitable for my happiness.
For me, mentoring changed my career path and allowed me to believe in my dreams and beliefs . Although in general I tend to do as I please, I also needed some approval for my choices. I was lucky to have Anie by my side, who was always there, and who gave me everything I needed to evolve and grow properly.
Mutual aid is therefore a priority , a necessity for Idoine and for the people who work there. Indeed, it is not always easy to throw yourself into the void and continue to believe that everything will be fine despite this fall, the soft landing of which is certainly not guaranteed. Additionally, being a female entrepreneur, alone and without experience, is not always a winning combination. Help from others is clearly welcome. It was therefore with humility and openness that I listened and learned Anie's advice. This woman, always smiling and optimistic, of exceptional generosity and unfailing determination, accompanied me and continues to do so today.
From the start, our corporate values were aligned as well as our target customers, which facilitated the exchange of contacts. The type of company each could be similar to, our challenges were similar, which was rather practical for the transfer of knowledge and experience. Collaboration is essential in the entrepreneurial environment and I can say that I benefit greatly from it. Not knowing how to thank her and being aware of how lucky I was to have her by my side, I asked her many times how to say thank you. Her response was as surprising as it was altruistic: “One day Catherine, you will pay it forward!” » Well Anie, I say thank you and above all, I give back as often as possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me!
To end on a high note, here are the top 5 most useful tips that Anie gave me:
Quit your secure job and go into your business full-time, if you want to succeed.
Your company's values must be solid and in line with yours.
You must have a beautiful and strong brand .
Organization is the key to good functioning, use tools to be more efficient.
Surround yourself with trusted people who believe in your project as much as you do, this will be the core of your business.